The Importance of Connected Utilities in Home Inspections: A Home Inspector’s Perspective


As a seasoned home inspector, we’ve encountered a variety of scenarios while evaluating properties, but one situation that consistently poses challenges is when utilities are not connected during the inspection. The lack of functioning utilities can significantly hinder the inspection process, leading to incomplete assessments and potential issues for both homeowners and buyers. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the crucial role of connected utilities in a home inspection and the impact it has on evaluating a property accurately.

  1. Safety Concerns:

One of the primary reasons utilities are a must-have during a home inspection is safety. Functioning utilities allow inspectors to test essential systems such as electrical wiring, gas lines, and plumbing. Without these tests, it’s impossible to identify potential hazards that may pose risks to the occupants. From faulty wiring to gas leaks, a thorough examination of these systems is essential to ensure a safe living environment.

  1. Comprehensive Assessment of Systems:

Connected utilities enable inspectors to assess the performance of key systems within a home. For instance, the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system cannot be properly evaluated without the ability to test heating and cooling functions. Water heaters, appliances, and other essential systems rely on utilities to function, and without them, inspectors can only provide a limited assessment.

  1. Identifying Issues and Deficiencies:

A home inspection aims to identify potential issues and deficiencies within a property. Without utilities, inspectors may miss critical problems such as leaks, faulty wiring, or inefficient appliances. Identifying these issues early on can save homeowners from unexpected repair costs and help buyers make informed decisions about the property.

  1. Inspection Limitations:

Inspectors often follow a systematic approach, examining various components of a home in a specific order. Without connected utilities, this process is disrupted, leading to an incomplete inspection. This can result in recommendations for further evaluations, potentially delaying real estate transactions and causing frustration for all parties involved.

  1. Impact on Home Value:

For sellers, having utilities connected during an inspection is crucial to showcasing the full potential of their property. Buyers are more likely to be attracted to a home with properly functioning systems, and a comprehensive inspection report can contribute positively to the perceived value of the property.

In conclusion, the importance of connected utilities during a home inspection cannot be overstated. Whether you’re a homeowner preparing to sell or a buyer looking to make an informed decision, ensuring that utilities are connected will facilitate a thorough examination of the property. By addressing this fundamental aspect, homeowners can contribute to a smoother inspection process and foster confidence in potential buyers. Remember, a well-prepared and properly inspected home stands out in the competitive real estate market.